Pre-made cover art
If you’re interested in an art piece to be turned into a book cover let me know. I’ve got several already available with a variety of options starting from $150 for an illustrated ebook cover.
What is included:
If you want to replace a font with a specified font (that is free for commercial use or you’ve paid the rights for)
Change of text to your details including colour changes
Possible minor additions to text layout (i.e. addition of a logo that you supply and hold rights for)
Minor modifications to the image – please enquire as some changes may mean large repaints
Inclusion of simple Audio book version
Print setup to a supplied template or supplied sizes (as long as it’s not larger than the specified file)
Some of the examples available (see here for more details - facebook album currently):
Scifi sample eBook
Scifi wraparound with text
Fantasy Romance cover art with design layout
Historical novel example with text and layout - text would be adjusted slightly to stand out from image